An Initiative of Navasrushti International Trust.
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We are happy to report that many volunteers, students and well wishers are taking time off to visit our centres, understand what we are doing and spend time with our beneficiaries.

This month-
1. Students of College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan visited our Khar Centre to see our work and understand how we are educating and skilling our underserved beneficiaries.

2. A young volunteer Teerth Varma and his team from Money Matters conducted a financial literacy session for our Udaan students. He explained in simple terms concepts like inflation, investment, compounding, Warren Buffet Short story of Investment & Jim Simon story.

3. Lastly we were honoured to host S. Harpreet Singh, from Khalsa Aid, Australia who took time off to understand our work in empowering the youth through new age technology courses. KA is working worldwide impacting millions of needy people every year.

SVP India
