Like every year, this August too, the Batch of ‘Chalo English Sikhayein’ started and orientation program was held on 11th August 2019 at IMFS Dadar. ‘Chalo English Sikhayein’ or CES is the abbreviation for one of the major initiatives of ‘Dharma Bharathi Mission’.
This year, altogether 107 NSS (National Service Scheme) students volunteered and were present for the orientation program. The students were from different colleges across Mumbai – GuruNanak College, K.C college, Somaiya College and Hinduja College. These volunteers will teach at our DBM adopted schools.
The volunteers were inducted with the various programs and projects of Dharma Bharathi Mission. We are confident that with the participation of these young minds DBM’s CES program will be able to expand and benefit more and more less privileged youth; who in turn can achieve their career goal with better ease.
The speakers who motivated the young college students were : our honorable Guest Mr. Manjunath, Our DBM management team members: Mr. Paramjeet Singh, Mr, Harmik Wilko, and Ms. Farheen Peshimam.