Under the school cohort we have adopted 45 meritorious and deserving students from class 9 for 7 years during which all their educational needs will be taken care of by us.
They will undergo intensive coaching in all subjects, post school hours, and they will undergo personality development with Talerang, our skill training partners. DBM India will also provide the students with yearly fees, textbooks and notebooks.
Under the College cohort -we will similarly mentor 20 SY college student scholars for 2 years.
We will work with our students, helping them with their doubts, preparing them with skills to survive in the outside world and making them job -ready.
We thank our Chief guests for the event Ms. Niti Bhatt- (Director, Indisol Marketing Pvt Ltd) & Ms. Divya Bajpai, IRS- Commissioner of Income Tax for giving us their valuable time and motivating our students with their inspiring words.
Niti Bhatt
@Indisol Marketing Private Limited